“How to Handle Social Security Benefits When a Senior Dies,” by agingcare.com, linked below, expertly explains important tidbits of information regarding just one of the countless things that must be addressed when a loved one passes away.
When an elderly family member passes away, it is inevitable there will be an emotional response, but it is important not to let your emotions get in the way of properly taking care of the deceased’s final affairs. It becomes the responsibility of the family left behind to contact numerous different offices and organizations, distribute the deceased’s assets according to their wishes, and handle numerous financial items. One of the financial questions that people frequently stumble upon is how to deal with Social Security Benefits.
Let’s be honest – the Social Security Administration is complex and confusing enough as it is, even when it comes to your own affairs. Figuring out how to deal with this administration in someone else’s stead, however, can become a much more difficult and frustrating journey. Nevertheless, the government continues to function based upon their rules and regulations, death or not, and expects the citizens it services to perform their duty. Thus, if you have been left in charge of someone’s affairs, it is necessary to first educate yourself in how to handle those affairs, before you run into legal trouble.
Danna & Associates, PC is a law firm specializing in Estate Planning and Elder Law since 1994. Our firm has gained invaluable knowledge and a vast amount of experience with varying client needs that allow us to channel our expertise into helping you. If you have been left in charge of a deceased’s estate, call 718.273.0300 for your free consultation today!
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