The article linked below is just one heart-wrenching tale of the process of watching a loved one die without health insurance in this country. Doris Portillo, a naturalized citizen, brought over her parents from El Salvador on green cards to take care of them as they age. Unfortunately, in late 2013, her father, Aquilino Portillo, was diagnosed with end-stage metastatic prostate cancer, and that’s when the nightmare began.
Unable to decipher the necessities for Medicare and Medicaid, unable to get a straight answer from their helplines, and unable to find help, Aquilino was left without health insurance during the end of his life. At first, the family was able to wheel him back and forth from the emergency room, but soon, the condition dramatically worsened and they focused on making him as comfortable as possible with whatever time he had left. A family was forced to become caregivers, but the care they give could never be adequate without professional involvement.
No one should die without help. No one should die without insurance. No one should die without dignity.
Danna & Associates, PC has specialized in Estate Planning & Elder Law since 1994. With over 2 decades of experience, we’ve had the opportunity to help countless clients become Medicaid eligible. Call 718.273.0300 for your free consultation today!
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